As we transition from ye olde user group into a SIGGRAPH Chapter, we thought it was high time to activate an idea that’s been brewing for a bit. Let’s screen a film as a group and then meet up after, to gush and discuss the film over a drink or bite!
I have a suspicion a few of us will be into this, and I’m wanting to test the theory and kick things off with an upcoming screening of Avengers: Endgame! We chose a screening a couple weeks in, so as not to interfere with any opening week plans already in place. A Sunday matinee seemed like a smart play. The theater? Bagdad. It gets no better! Followed by happy hour immediately after the film, around the corner at Backstage. We have the upstairs Kimball Room on reserve (note: please find everyone upstairs).
Get your tickets online here (make sure you “view by date” and choose the Sunday, May 5th 2:30pm screening – $8.50 + $1.00 service fee):
And please sign up for the happy hour meetup afterwards here:
the meetup is free, of course – only using Eventbrite to track our numbers and make sure we have the room configured properly with enough seating. If it’s a game time decision for you, don’t worry about registering for a ticket – all should be fine and a ticket is not required to attend the meetup.
Note that the film clocks in at an epic 3 hours, so we’ll plan to walk around the corner to the Backstage for the meetup around 5:30-5:45pm. And yes, if you want to skip the film and just come to the meetup for networking and catching up – that’s totally fine!
If this goes well, we’ll make it a regular thing, and experiment with different theaters and screening times. Possibly with group discounts and the like. Looking forward to watching some amazing vfx/3d/animated films with you all!
Avengers: Endgame
Sunday, May 5th, 2:30pm
Bagdad Theater
3702 SE Hawthorne Blvd
(ticket required)
After show meetup, 5:30-5:45pm
Backstage, around the corner from the Bagdad
Kimball Room, upstairs
(ticket not required)
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