There’s a video going around the ‘net to today where someone has taken an old Alan Watts quote and put some imagery to it, music video style. It’s a little abstract in places… but being a former New Yorker, I can’t say I complain:
Strongly agree. If you love what you do, eventually you’ll be so obsessively good at it that your enthusiasm and skills will keep you in high demand. It’s a symbiotic relationship – you’ll probably have quite a few studios after your services once you get around a little and they see what you’re capable of. The money takes care of itself.
Interesting timing because I was just talking to someone today about the effect a good quote can have on ya when you’re in the mood for a little wisdom. I’ve come across his name before – Alan Watts was full of it (the wisdom, that is) and many of his words directly apply to the fight we fight as artists as we fly the sometimes not-so-friendly skies. Have s’more:
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