Welcome to “the Radar,” our event calendar. Now we’re cookin’ with technology! The functionality is in place below to view the upcoming VFX & Animation events – or better yet, you can try the subscription system (still in beta!) and automatically have listings added to your personal calendar. Subscription links:
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Submit new or missing event listings (or any errors) to J Bills.
Jump into the exciting and visually rich world of animation! From concept to finished product, discover the science behind storyboarding, character design, voice acting, sound effects, video editing and more! Through Jan 15.
Join us for a celebration of the world of animation from independent shorts to feature films, including the Oregon debut of the 2014 Sundance Festival Animated Short Film Tour. From an anime classic featuring post-apocalyptic bikers to a hot chocolate-loving deer, surreal aliens to a troubadour bear, the Empirical Theater’s giant screen – Portland’s largest – will offer a fantastical smorgasbord of animation with something for everyone!
Reel Science: Gremlins
with Chris Walas, designer and creator of the Gremlins puppets
Watch and learn at The Empirical Theater as OMSI brings the science of your favorite movies to life on the big screen. Perfect for science and film lovers alike, this monthly series combines the best Science Pub with the fun of movie night, bringing in experts to amplify your movie-watching experience.
Event Schedule:
6:30pm: Go behind the scenes with the creator of the Gremlins puppets.
7:00pm: Gremlins (Rated PG, 106 mins)
9:00pm: Q&A
Chris Walas is one of Hollywood’s premiere special effects wizards, specializing in horror make-up and creature effects. Walas first came to prominence after he designed the exploding heads and make-up for David Cronenberg’s Scanners. He was also a key figure in Spielberg’s Raiders of the Lost Ark. He shared an Oscar for his makeup on Cronnenburg’s remake of the Fly. In the mid-’80s he created Chris Walas Inc, a company that specialized in creature designs for such films as Gremlins (1984), and Arachnophobia (1990). In 1989 Walas made his directorial debut with The Fly II.
Reel Science – Empirical Theater is a new monthly event open to all ages. No RSVP or scientific background required. Just bring your curiosity, sense of humor, and appetite for food, drinks, and knowledge! The Empirical Theater café will be open selling sausages, pizza, movie snacks, beer, wine and more.
$7 for non-members & $6 for members. Tell your friends. We hope to see you there!
Questions? E-mail events@omsi.edu or call 503.797.4529.
The next VFX/PDX meeting is short films from VFX/PDX members, with VFX breakdowns following the screening of the film.
Toby Froud’s Lesson’s Learned + Joshua Cox’s Proximity, and many more!
tickets: http://shortfilmsaturday.eventbrite.com
more info: http://www.vfxpdx.com (or click the home page here!)
Free show!
3DV & Autodesk Presents:
Autodesk Hits Portland 4.0 (FREE)
@ the Incredible Empirical Theater at OMSI
This time it’s a whole different thing:
What’s different? 3DV is hosting the event at the OMSI Empirical Theater, the largest screen in Portland! On Wednesday evening we are featuring top tech artists from Autodesk, Marcel de Jong and Gary Davis. This event sells out every single year so don’t wait to reserve your spot. RSVP FREE at 3dv4.eventbrite.com
The evening starts off with appetizers, beer and a little networking. The Autodesk presenters will focus on the 2015 & Extension releases (Entertainment Creation Suite) including all of the latest features in Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Maya. We will also present Reality Capture projects, budget Motion Capture, 3D printing, several acquisitions and tech previews. We end the evening with Wacom Intuos and Chaos Group V-Ray raffles.
5:00 – 6:30 Beer/Wine, Food & Networking
6:30 – 9:00 Demonstration
9:00 Raffle – Wacom Intuos Pro & a Permanent V-Ray license!
Wacom Cintiq 24HD hands on display at event
Totally new this year are 4 lecture style workshops on the following day, Thursday Nov. 20th. It’s a completely separate event and features Autodesk technical specialists presenting content and workflows using the Entertainment Creation Suite in workflows aimed at design and visualization (while the evening event is free as usual, the workshops are $25 – for all four combined! – Email info@3dv.com to learn more about the workshops or RSVP at 3dv4workshops.eventbrite.com– space is limited)
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